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Statement regarding Pulsic Limited (UK)


关于英国Pulsic Ltd情况说明

Statement regarding Pulsic Limited (UK)

近日,我司注意到国内外媒体对我司拟收购英国Pulsic Limited一事进行了相关报道,我司特此就本收购澄清如下:

In the past few days, we noticed both Chinese and international media coverage on our proposed acquisition of Pulsic Limited (UK). We, therefore, issue this clarification for your record: 

我司于2021年年末与Pulsic Limited股东达成了收购协议;并于2022年1月就本次收购主动向英国商业、能源及工业战略部递交了英国国家安全及投资法案项下的自愿申报,并在本次申报审查过程中积极配合。英国相关审查部门亦向我司表示,已收到我司提供的审查所需的全部资料。

Around the end of 2021, we reached an agreement with the shareholders of Pulsic Limited; and in January 2022, we submitted to the UK Department of Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy a voluntary filing for the acquisition under the UK National Security and Investment Act. Ever since we have actively cooperated with the relevant UK authority and were informed that the authority had received all the information they need for the filing.


We regret that the UK authority issued an unfavorable decision on the filing on August 17, 2022.


Shanghai UniVista Industrial Software Group Co., Ltd.


August 19, 2022

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