Home Privacy Policy


Shanghai Hejian Industrial Software Group Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries, branches and affiliated companies (collectively referred to as "Hejian Industrial Software", "We" and "Our") fully respect your privacy and attach great importance to the security of personal information. When you use our website, products and/or services, we may collect and use your relevant personal information based on applicable legal basis such as your consent, contractual relationship between us or legal interests. In order to protect the security of network information and protect the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, legal persons and other organizations, HUSG formulates the "HUSG Website Privacy Policy" (hereinafter referred to as "this Privacy Policy") in accordance with applicable laws and regulations and relevant regulations. Through this Privacy Policy, we wish to explain to you how we collect, use, disclose, protect, store and share your personal information, as well as the ways we provide you to access, update, control and protect your personal information. Please read and understand this privacy policy carefully before you submit your personal information to HIC. this privacy policy will help you understand the following: 1. The personal information we process and how we collect and use your personal information 2. The purpose for which we process personal information 3. How do we use cookies and similar technologies 4. How do we share, transfer and publicly disclose your personal information 5. How to transfer your personal information across borders 6. How do we protect and store your personal information 7. How do we handle and protect the personal information of minors 8. Your right to manage personal information 9. How to update this privacy policy 10. How to contact us 11. Third-party providers and their services This privacy policy applies to websites, products and services that display and link to this privacy policy. Due to the wide range of products and services provided by HICF, this Privacy Policy may not cover all possible scenarios for the processing of personal information, and instructions for the processing of data by the product or service in a particular scenario may be described by the product or service in its particular Privacy Policy, or published in a notice provided at the time of collection of personal information. These specific privacy policies more specifically explain how we handle your personal information in these products or services. If this privacy policy is inconsistent with the specific privacy policy, please refer to the specific privacy policy. For content not covered by this specific privacy policy, this privacy policy shall prevail. If you have any questions about this privacy policy, you can contact us according to the contact information provided in Article 10 of this privacy policy.

The personal information we process and how we collect and use your personal information

personal information refers to all kinds of information recorded electronically or in combination with other information that can identify a specific natural person or reflect the activities of a specific natural person, includingName, identity document number, communication contact information,address, account password, property status,Trajectory, etc. Personal information will be collected by us directly or indirectly when you use our products, services or websites or have information interaction with us, such as personal information indirectly recorded by calling our hotline, creating website account number, participating in our brand activities, cookies used by websites, etc, including name, gender, telephone number, enterprise name, position, address, e-mail address, certificate information, photos, login information, etc. In some cases, you may choose not to provide personal information, but if you choose not to provide it, we may not be able to provide you with relevant products or services, nor can we respond to or solve the problems you encounter. you are fully aware, in accordance with applicable laws, we do not need to obtain your authorization to collect and use your personal information in any of the following circumstances: 1. Related to national security and national defense security; 2. Related to public safety, public health and major public interests; 3. Related to legal procedures such as criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of sentences; 4. For the purpose of safeguarding the major legitimate rights and interests of you or other individuals (such as the safety of life and property); 5. Personal information that you have disclosed to the public; 6. Collect personal information from legally publicly disclosed information, such as news reports, government information disclosure and other channels; 7. Necessary to sign and perform the contract according to your requirements; 8. It is necessary to maintain the safe and stable operation of the provided products and/or services, such as finding and disposing of failures of products and/or services; 9. When it is necessary to carry out statistical or academic research in the public interest, and when the results of academic research or description are provided to the outside world, the personal information contained in the results is de-identified; 10. Other circumstances stipulated by laws and regulations.

Our purpose of processing personal information

The company processes your personal information for a specific purpose and only processes personal information related to the purpose. Depending on our relationship with you and the products and services we provide, we may process your personal information for the following purposes and on a specific legal basis: 1. Create and manage your account; 2. Implement your transaction or service request; 3. Provide you with information such as products and services that you may be interested in; 4. Invite you to participate in our activities, market surveys or satisfaction surveys; 5. Send you important notifications related to security, update, or upgrade services; 6. Provide you with personalized user experience and personalized content; 7. View and analyze the error details to troubleshoot product errors and faults; 8. Synchronize, share, and store the uploaded or downloaded data and the data required for the upload and download; 9. Implement and improve our damage prevention and anti-fraud plans; 10. Comply with and implement applicable legal requirements, relevant industry standards or our policies; 11. Other purposes and uses with your consent. When we want to use your personal information for other purposes not specified in this privacy policy, or when we use personal information for purposes different from your prior consent, our products or services will seek your prior consent, and you will choose whether to agree to such changes. You may revoke this consent at any time in accordance with the law, but this may result in all or part of your use of the product or service. we may also collect and use non-identifiable information. Non-identifiable information refers to information that cannot be used to determine personal identity. For example, we collect aggregated statistics, such as website visits. The purpose of collecting such information is to understand how users use their websites, products and services so that we can improve our products and services and better meet customer needs. We may, at our sole discretion, collect, use, process, transfer or disclose non-identifiable information for other purposes. If personal information is mixed with non-identifiable information, it will still be regarded as personal information.

How we use cookies and similar technologies

n order to ensure the normal operation of the website, provide you with a good experience when you browse the website and allow us to improve our website, when you agree, we may store small data files called Cookie on your computer or mobile device. Cookies usually contain identifiers, site names, and some numbers and characters. Hopei Software can only read cookies provided by Hopei Software. We will not use cookies for purposes other than those stated in this privacy policy. You can directly delete Cookie stored on your device. For more information about Cookie, you can visitAbout Cookies.orgObtain. You can also clear all cookies saved on your computer. Most browsers have the function of blocking cookies. If you want to manage cookies through browsers, you can refer to the introduction of browser developers or query from the Internet. However, if you do this, you will need to change the settings every time you visit our website, and you may not be able to log in or use cookie-dependent services or functions due to such changes. In addition to Cookie, we will also use other similar technologies such as website beacons and pixel tags on the website. For example, we send an account activation link to your email. If you click on the link, we will track this click to help us understand your product and service preferences and improve customer service. A website beacon is usually a transparent image embedded in a website or email. With the help of the pixel tag in the email, we can know whether the email is opened. If you do not want your activities to be tracked in this way, you can set up your email to refuse to receive at any time, or log on to our relevant service website to unsubscribe from the mail service. If your browser is equipped with Do Not Track, our service website will respect your choice.

How we share, transfer and publicly disclose your personal information

In order to ensure the security of your personal information, we follow the principle of minimization and, subject to applicable legal requirements, share, transfer or publicly disclose your personal information: 1. After obtaining your express consent; 2. If the business is necessary, we may share your personal information within HISG to provide you with timely services; 3. Share the minimum and necessary information with our authorized business partners to provide services for you; 4. When it comes to merger, acquisition, bankruptcy liquidation, asset transfer or similar transactions, if it involves the transfer of personal information, we will require the new company and organization holding your personal information to continue to be subject to the requirements, commitments and security measures of this privacy policy, for example, not to exceed the above-mentioned personal information use purposes, otherwise we will require the company and organization to re-seek authorization and consent from you; 5. We may also provide information to judicial organs, government organs or other organs/departments of a similar nature if the disclosure is in accordance with any applicable law or in response to legal procedures. We will sign strict confidentiality agreements with companies, organizations and individuals with whom we share personal information, requiring them to process personal information in accordance with our security standards, the requirements of this privacy policy and relevant confidentiality and security measures. you are fully aware, in accordance with applicable laws, we do not need to obtain your authorization to share, transfer or publicly disclose your personal information in any of the following circumstances: 1. Related to national security and national defense security; 2. Related to public safety, public health and major public interests; 3. Related to legal procedures such as criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of sentences; 4. For the purpose of safeguarding the major legitimate rights and interests of you or other individuals (such as the safety of life and property); 5. Personal information that you have disclosed to the public; 6. Collect personal information from legally publicly disclosed information, such as news reports, government information disclosure and other channels; 7. Necessary to sign and perform the contract according to your requirements; 8. It is necessary to maintain the safe and stable operation of the provided products and/or services, such as finding and disposing of failures of products and/or services; 9. When it is necessary to carry out statistical or academic research in the public interest, and when the results of academic research or description are provided to the outside world, the personal information contained in the results is de-identified; 10. Other circumstances stipulated by laws and regulations.

How your personal information is transferred across borders

Hegi is a company with cross-border business. Under normal circumstances, we will process your personal information in the country/region where we conduct business and provide you with products or services. At the same time, we may also transfer your personal information to other countries/regions, and the laws related to the protection of personal information in these countries/regions may be different. No matter where your personal information is processed, we will take measures in accordance with the law to ensure compliance with this privacy policy and applicable legal requirements of the location.

how we protect and store your personal information

The company strictly follows the "minimization principle", "accuracy principle" and "storage restriction principle" for personal information protection ". For the storage of personal information, the company adopts appropriate physical, administrative and technical security measures to protect personal information from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, modification, damage or loss and other forms of illegal processing. In general, we only store your personal information for the shortest time necessary to achieve the purpose, but the storage period of data may vary due to different scenarios and different products and services. However, in the following cases, we may change the storage time of the information due to the need: 1. Special requirements of applicable laws and regulations; 2. In order to comply with the provisions of court decisions, rulings or other legal procedures; 3. The time required for data processing purposes in business activities; 4. Products and services provided; 5. Maintain corresponding transaction and business records; 6. For the purpose of implementing the relevant service agreement or this privacy policy, safeguarding the public interest, and protecting the personal and property safety or other legitimate rights and interests of our customers, us or our affiliated companies, other users or employees. your personal information is generally stored in the place where the business is carried out, it may also be stored outside your country. We will take measures to ensure that we process the information we collect in accordance with this privacy policy and the applicable laws of the place where the information is stored. If our products and services stop operating, we will take reasonable measures to protect your user information and delete or anonymize the personal information we hold.

How do we handle and protect the personal information of minors

The company mainly provides products and services for adults. If you are a minor, we ask your parents or guardians to read this privacy policy carefully, and only with the consent of your parents or guardians can you use our products, services or provide us with information. we will not collect personal information on minors without the consent of their parents or guardians. For personal information of minors collected with the consent of parents or guardians, we will only process such information if permitted by applicable law and with the express consent of parents or guardians. We will delete the personal information of minors collected without prior consent as soon as possible.

Your right to manage personal information

If you submit personal information to us, please ensure the accuracy of this information. If your information changes, you are obliged to update this information to us in time. You can access, modify and delete the registration information and other personal information you provide in the process of using our products and services. The scope and manner in which you access, modify and delete personal information will depend on the specific services you use. Subject to applicable legal requirements, you may have the right: (1) Access your personal information held by us; (2) Update or correct or require us to update or correct any inaccurate personal information about you; (3) Reject or restrict our use of your personal information; (4) requires us to restrict the processing or deletion of your personal information. If you wish to exercise the above rights, please contact us. When you request to exercise the above rights, we may need to verify your identity or ask you to provide a written request to ensure the security of personal information. Please understand that we may not be able to meet all your requirements, but we will reply to your request within a reasonable time limit. We will refuse to handle requests that are not directly related to your identity, unwarranted duplication of information, risks to the legitimate rights and interests of others, deceptive or unrealistic. In principle, we will not charge a fee for your reasonable request, but we will charge a certain fee as appropriate for requests that exceed the reasonable limit. If you have any questions when accessing and managing your personal information, you can contact us according to the contact information of Article 10 of this privacy policy.

How to update this privacy policy

The company reserves the right to revise this privacy policy at any time. We will publish the latest version of the privacy policy here. If the modification results in a substantial reduction in your rights under this privacy policy, we will send you a change notice through different channels, but not limited to website publicity, email notification, etc. Each time you log on or use this website, you should check the date of this privacy policy and check the changes with the previous version. If you do not agree to the revised privacy policy, you have the right and should immediately notify the company to delete your information. On the contrary, it will be deemed that you accept the changes made by the company to the relevant provisions of this privacy policy. we will also include the historical version of this privacy policy inWebsite pageis archived for you to view.

Contact Us

If you have any questions and comments on this privacy policy, or if you have any questions and comments on the practice and operation of this privacy policy, you can send an email to, and we will review your questions and reply to you as soon as possible.

Third-party providers and their services

In order to provide and optimize our services and ensure a smooth browsing experience, you may receive content or network links from third parties other than HIK and its partners (hereinafter referred to as "third parties"), who may collect your personal information. You can choose whether to access links, content, products and services provided by this third party. we have no control over the third party, we cannot control the privacy policy of the third party, and the third party is not bound by this privacy policy. Before submitting personal information to the third party, please refer to the third party's privacy policy separately.

Historical Versions

Privacy Policy (Updated 2021-09-10)

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